Sailing in the Time of Covid: The 2020 "JOST ST MICHAELS"/Chesapeake Reunion and Back to the Boats
Please bear with me. This 2020 memory is long, but in too many ways to count, so was the year! For the week of July 10-17 2020, I planned...
Welcome to the Brookletts Place blog page! Blogs are short, informal, flows of thought that are written with a conversational-style, and can be on a broad range of topics. Blogs on this page are organized by topic.
We are always in need of bloggers! Unlike technical or creative writing, one does not need experience in writing a specific style as the blog you write would be written in your unique style. We would provide you a blog topic (or you could suggest your own topic of interest). Blogs are generally about 500 words. Please contact Manager, Childlene Brooks at for more information or to volunteer. Read More