How to Prepare for a Move to a Care Home as a Family
How to prepare to move to a care home as a senior
The decision to move into a care home is a big one. While it may feel daunting, choosing to prioritize your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing in this way is a true act of kindness both to yourself and your loved ones.
There will always be some loose ends to tie up once you’ve finalized your decision. To help you to have a smooth transition, here’s what you’ll need to do in preparation to move to a care home.
Speak to loved ones about the move
Not everybody has a supportive network around them, but if you do, it’s best to keep your loved ones in the loop throughout each stage of this new journey. They can help to put your mind at ease in the lead-up to the move and help you to settle in once you’ve arrived at your new home.
If you don’t have a support system in place, it’s worth reaching out to local organizations who can guide you through the process. You may be able to meet others going through the same transition or speak to professionals who can help you emotionally adjust to the change.
Take care of the practical tasks
As with any house move, there are going to be lots of practical steps you need to take care of before relocating. As well as packing up all your belongings, you’ll need to ensure all your paperwork is in order, and that any utilities companies have been informed of your move.
There may be financial affairs to consider, such as how payments are going to be made to your care home and who will be responsible for making them if you’re not going to be doing it yourself. It’s best to appoint someone who can help you ensure the practicalities of your move are taken care of – you can speak to a professional from your care home for advice on the tasks you’ll need to complete.
Familiarize yourself with the care home
You may be looking forward to moving into a care home – it can often come as a relief if you’ve been struggling with everyday tasks. However, it’s still a big change, so you’ll want to know exactly what's going to happen and what your life will look like once you’ve made the transition.
Most of the information you’ll need will have been covered before you made the decision to move – but there might be a few little details you want to check over with your care team. For example, it might be helpful to know which staff members you’re likely to be in communication with day to day, or who you should speak to for support during those first few days in your home.
Perhaps you don’t need any questions answered at all – familiarizing yourself with your care home can still help you to feel more comfortable and look forward to what’s to come. If you’re ever in doubt about your housing options, remember that where you live is entirely your choice, and you should always choose somewhere that best suits your needs and circumstances at this time.